Ben is an Australian graphic designer, born & raised in Brisbane, Queensland.
He's a bit black, a bit white, a bit grey, a bit colourful the other times & RAD-ical.
Besides having a passion for graphic design, he has a music passion
(or obsession some would say) & can be found playing in his band with his mates & listening to good RocknRoll music. He loves the 7” vinyl format.
Concert posters are another interest (could have said obsession here too),
that takes in graphic design & music together - a double whammy .
He also loves Sambuca, Thai food, Hot Sauce, KFC & a good burger.
After working his current day job for 20 years, he finally took the plunge
(thanks to the COVID pandemic) to do the Shillington College full-time
course in September 2020, & has learnt all the graphic elements to design